Forest Health
Forests are a huge part of Washington’s diverse array of ecosystems. On this page, we’ve compiled several resources for those with forests on their property, whether that’s a few trees or a few acres! If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you’d like more information, please contact us.
Looking for technical or financial assistance? Visit our Forestry program page.
Learn about how to take care of your trees in tandem with the environment or share the information with a friend!
Partner Resources
Learn more from our partners about how take care of your trees sustainably. If there is a topic you’d like more information about, please contact us.
DNR: Washington State Integrated Forest Management Plan Guidelines and Template
Better understand current forest conditions and how to protect, improve, and improve the health of your forest.
DNR: Community Wildfire Resilience Resource Library
Robust library of resources for wildfire resilience.
NRCS: Forest Stand Density Guide
Learn how density of trees can affect regeneration rates.
Arbor Day Foundation: Backyard Woods Tip Sheets
Vast range of resources for protecting your backyard woods and property.
DNR: Small Farmer Landowner Office
Assistance to small forest landowners to protect and promote the ecological and economic viability of their forestlands.
Clark County Public Works: Forest Landowner Resources
Forestry education and assistance for forest and woodland property owners in Washington.
WSU Extension: Consulting Forester and Silvicultural Contractor Directory
Compilation of forestry professionals around Washington State who provide the professional services to private forest landowners.
Clark County: Clark County Maps
View land records, public lands, and transportation in Clark County.
WSU Extension: Managing Your Timber Sale
Understand many topics that go into the successful management of timber sale.
Clark County: Designated Forest Lands Program
Learn how to qualify to have your land classified as Designated Forest Land.
… Don’t see what you need? Contact us!